They sold the family business and closed on the sale of the building today.
All my life my parents have owned LC Typesetting. They worked side by side for over 40 years building up that business. It's not easy being a small business owner but they stuck it out all these years. They changed with the times, time and time again. I'm so proud of them for the example they gave my brother and I about hard work, dedication and compassion.
Located just a few doors down from the Homeless Center, my dad gave a job to anyone who asked. Sometimes it was nothing more than a few dollars to shovel the sidewalk or a few more to paint the side of the building. I've lost track of how many times the side of that building has been painted! It didn't matter what the job was, it gave someone dignity and that's what mattered to dad. To both my parents, because they are selfless givers, both of them.
I know making the decision to retire has been hard for them, especially for my dad. But in doing so, they have given a priceless gift to this community. They sold the building to the Homeless Center and it will now be renovated as a shelter for Homeless Veterans.
The look of the building will change but I will always remember the years it housed LC Typesetting. I'll remember dad's wall of photos of his kids, grandkids, and great-grandkids and all their drawings. I'll remember my boys riding their motorized cars from one end of the shop to the other. Mostly I'll remember the sound of my dad's voice answering the telephone "LC Typesetting".
I love you Mom and Dad. Enjoy your retirement!
You deserve it.
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